Trading Guide

The Time Trade Circle is made up of its members and can be whatever we want it to be. Good will, respect for self and others, and the desire to build a network of support, care and trust will make us strong. Follow these guidelines to keep trades fair and flexible.

Trade Guidelines

When you want to receive a service:

  1. Look on the website to see who is offering the service or ask the coordinator for suggestions about who to contact for that service.

  2. Contact the member and request the service. You can contact people through the site or directly by email or phone.

  3. Agree on a date and time.

  4. Enter the hours you spent into your account.

  5. If you would like, report your experience to the coordinator.

  6. If you are unable to find a member to provide the service you are interested in, contact the coordinator. Your request can always be announced in the weekly update email.

  7. Be patient. Sometimes busy schedules make it difficult to connect. Try to contact members well in advance if possible.

  8. If you arrange exchanges with Time Trade Circle members you already know, please remember to enter the hours spent.

  9. If you are requesting a service, it is your responsibility to pay for parts, supplies and ingredients, unless you and the other member agree on other arrangements.

When you are asked to give a service:

  1. When accepting a time trade, be sure to write down the name, contact info, date, time, place and assignment.

  2. Be on time! It is even better to be 5-10 minutes early. If you are delayed, call the member immediately.

  3. If you are unable to make the scheduled appointment, call the member and make other arrangements if possible.

  4. Know the member's name and be sure s/he knows yours.

  5. Wear practical clothing.

  6. After, check to make sure that the hours spent and earned have been entered into your account.

  7. Do not ask for or accept money or tips from any member.

  8. If you use your personal car to transport a member, you must maintain the required insurance, wear your seat belt and make sure your passenger wears a seat belt, obey all laws and drive safely.

In any time trade:

Maintain confidentiality. All members are expected to respect the privacy of other members and to keep all information received from other members confidential. A member can be dismissed from the program for violating this code. The only exception is when a member feels that the health of safety of another member is at risk. This concern should be reported to the TTC coordinator.

Although the likelihood of a medical emergency while you are with a member is extremely small, be prepared. If an emergency does occur, call 911, stay calm, and call the TTC coordinator to alert her. Above all, stay calm.

Remember that each service given presents a different set of circumstances. If something arises that you have concerns or questions about, call the TTC coordinator.

Time Trade Circle Best Practices

One Timebank Hour = One Actual Hour

One of the core principles of timebanking is that everyone's time is valued equally, no matter what the service is. Therefore, members do not receive more Timebanks Hours for more desirable or more difficult services. The time they earn is equal to the actual time they spend.

Trading Objects

One of the core principles of timebanking is that there is no dollar equivalent to time. Members do not earn hours for trading objects they have and want to get rid of, because to do so would be assigning a value to a tangible object.

Members do earn hours for trading objects if they put time into making that object, such as painting a picture or building a table.

Members don't generally post want ads for objects or sell objects for money. The TTC is focused on trading services, and there are other online communities that are more appropriate for buying and selling things.

Group Classes

Small group classes are a great way to share skills in the Time Trade Circle. The teacher will receive as many Timebank Hours as the time spent on the class (including preparation and clean-up) directly from the timebank. Timebank members can take the class for free.

Posting Services on the Site

Members do keep their offers and requests current, removing any that have been filled or are no longer relevant.

Members don't post their services in more than 3 categories. We understand people want to maximize visibility and searchability but we don't want the listings to be flooded with repeat posts.

Members don't write text in all-caps because to many internet users this is considered yelling, and there's no need for one person's post to be more visible than other members'.

Communication Etiquette

Members are encouraged to respond to Timebank queries as soon as they can, even if it’s to say they can’t do an offered trade just now.