Upcoming events.
Annual Meeting
TTC members are encouraged to come to the annual meeting. You'll hear what's going on in the time bank, meet other members and have the chance to set up trades. Also, you'll earn the time the meeting takes - about an hour.
Email timetradecircleinfo@gmail.com for the Zoom link.
Not a member yet? If you attend the orientation immediately before this meeting, you can attend and get earn the time if you join.
Interested in time banking? Think you might want to join the Time Trade Circle? Come to this orientation on Zoom! We’ll go over everything you need to know. You can get help and help others with tasks or fun activities, all for free. It's a great way to meet some wonderful and like-minded people. (There’s no obligation in attending, but if you want to join, you have to attend an orientation.) Email timetradecircleinfo@gmail.com to get the Zoom link.

Interested in joining TTC? Already a member, but want a trading refresher? Come to this orientation on Zoom! Learn about timebanking in general and TTC in particular. There’s no obligation in attending - but it is a prerequisite for joining. Please RSVP to Cindy at timetradecircleinfo@gmail.com to get the Zoom link.
Come to Time Trade Circle's first Free Stuff Swap. Bring items you no longer want, but someone else might like to have. Please bring things you can carry. We will have tables outside to display your items. Browse, take the things you want, and socialize. This event is open to anyone, not just members, so ask your friends to bring things as well.
Please take your unclaimed items when you leave!

Annual Meeting
The Time Trade Circle annual meeting will take place on Sunday December 3 at 6:30PM. It will be preceded by an orientation for prospective members (tell all your friends!) at 5:30PM. To register and get the Zoom link, send an email to timetradecircleinfo@gmail.com. You will earn TTC credit for attending.
This will be a fun but also important event! TTC really needs your help if we are to survive and flourish. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Dec. 3.

Interested in joining TTC? Already a member, but want a trading refresher? Come to this orientation on Zoom! Learn about timebanking in general and TTC in particular. There’s no obligation in attending - but it is a prerequisite for joining. Please RSVP to Cindy at timetradecircleinfo@gmail.com to get the Zoom link.
This Orientation will be followed by the Time Trade Circle’s Annual Meeting. So if you attend the orientation and decide to join TTC, you can stay for the Annual Meeting if you want and earn the time you spend at the meeting.

Interested in joining TTC? Already a member, but want a trading refresher? Come to this orientation on Zoom! Learn about timebanking in general and TTC in particular. There’s no obligation in attending - but it is a prerequisite for joining. Please RSVP to Cindy at timetradecircleinfo@gmail.com to get the Zoom link.