Frequently Asked Questions


What are Timebank Hours?
Timebank Hours represent that amount of time one Timebank member has spent in the exchange of a service with another member. When you spend an hour helping another member, one Timebank Hour gets added to your account and subtracted from the account of the member who received the service.

Why are there two different Time Trade Circle websites?
We do have two websites. This one ( is a public site - it provides information about the group before you become a member as well as some resources for current members. The internal site ( is a database of members’ profiles that only members can access.

Where do I have to live to join TTC?
You can join if you live anywhere in the greater Boston area, and beyond. If you live far from other members, your exchanges might start slowly, but you can encourage your neighbors to join and then you'll have Time Trade Circle members who live near you!

Are Timebank Hours taxable?
The IRS has determined that 1) because an hour is always an hour, regardless of what is offered, 2) because they are backed only by a moral obligation and 3) because they are intended for a charitable purpose, Timebank Hours are not taxable.

What can I do to help the TTC organization?
We are always looking for volunteers to help with various aspects of the Time Trade Circle, such as outreach, membership, event planning, newsletters, etc. There's bound to be something you'll be good at and enjoy, plus you'll meet great people and earn Timebank Hours while you do it. Contact Cindy ( if you're interested in helping out.

I created an account, why can't I browse the site?
We're glad you created an account! But before we activate it, we'd like you to come to an orientation meeting. Since time banking is all about community, it's important for us to meet new members and explain how it all works before they start browsing other members' offers and requests.

Can I trade with people in other timebanks?
Yes. It’s called inter-trading. You can trade with people from other timebanks so long as their timebank is also using the hOurWorld software we use and their timebank has enabled inter-trading.

How do I enter the hours after I've traded?
The person who received the service (got help) should go online and enter the transaction. It's as if they are "paying" the other person, and the hours will be subtracted from their account and added to the account of the person who performed the service.

Do you perform background checks on members?
We don't do background checks on members. We have met each member at an orientation. The TTC connects people who can help each other, but we can't guarantee anything about the person or their services. Members must use any precautions they would normally use, such as asking for references, etc.

Can I trade products, or goods, in addition to services?
Yes, some members trade things like muffins, artwork, etc. In most cases the hours exchanged should be the amount of time it took to make the product. In cases where this is not applicable, members can work out an arrangement they both agree on.

If I post a service, am I committed to doing it?
No, posting a service offer doesn't commit you to performing this service. It does obligate you to respond to any queries about doing the service. We hope members will keep their service offers up to date. But it's also fine to tell someone interested in your service that you can't do it at that time.

Who can see my contact info on my TTC profile?
Once you create a profile on, our internal web site, come to an orientation, and have your account activated, all other members of the Time Trade Circle can see your contact info.

Can I hold a small group class?
Yes, you can. This is a great way to share skills in the Time Trade Circle. The teacher will receive Timebank Hours for the time spent on the class, preparing for it and cleaning up after it (if applicable) directly from the timebank. The classes are free for timebank members to take.

Should I include someone's travel time?
Yes, we encourage members to include travel time for someone giving them a service because that is time they wouldn't be spending if it weren't to help you. Whether or not travel time will be included in the trade should be agree to ahead of time by both parties.

What about hard costs like gas, ingredients, or materials?
Things that cost real money like gas for rides, ingredients for cooking, etc., should be paid for by the person receiving the service. Whether you buy the materials up front or pay the service provider back is up to the two of you. If you both agree, it's also possible to add an extra Timebank Hour in exchange for the materials, but the default is to pay cash.

To do a trade, does that service have to be posted on the site?
Nope! Sometimes people already know each other or connect offline, like at potlucks or other TTC events. If you make an arrangement with someone outside of the TTC site, you can still enter the hours on the site.

Can I post goods and services for which I want to get paid in dollars and not in Timebanks Hours?
No. This is not in keeping with the mission of Time Trade Circle and the philosophy of timebanking.