About Time Trade Circle

How does a timebank work?

Our timebank is primarily online, though you don't have to be online to be a member. Members post their contact info and the services that they can offer and that they would like to receive. Other members browse the site and when they see something they want or something they can help with, they can contact that member either through the site or by emailing or calling directly.

  • Whether your talents are gardening, speaking a foreign language, or lifting furniture, there all sorts of different ways to help out other members of the timebank.

  • Every hour of service you provide to another member earns you one Time Bank Hour.

  • Exchange your banked hours for the skills and expertise offered by your local community. It's a great chance to form connections with people in your area!

The two members arrange a mutually convenient time and place and after the trade the hours are recorded on the website as well. That way your online account is like your bank account, keeping track of all your trades and Timebank Hours, and helping you connect with your neighbors. Get more details about how it works in the member guide.

What is Time Trade Circle?

A Local Timebank

Our local timebank is called the Time Trade Circle. We are a diverse group of members that live in many towns throughout the Boston metro area. Our goal is to enable people to connect with their neighbors to get help when they need it and give help when they can. We do this primarily through a website where members list their offers and requests along with their contact info.

What you can get out of the Time Trade Circle depends on what other members are offering. Meeting interesting people you wouldn't otherwise have known is part of the fun of time trading.

Our Mission Statement

The Time Trade Circle's mission is to create and strengthen informal support systems in the community by exchanging services. It believes that the human infrastructure that is necessary to care for children, the frail, and elderly, to build and maintain connections with others, and to build safe and vibrant communities requires work and that it is work that should be valued.

Our Vision Statement

The Time Trade Circle works towards a world in which neighbors help neighbors and every individual can contribute so that our communities are safe and vibrant.